Inspired by a wide range of musical genres, Valerie paints sonorous and organic spaces, combining abstract and figurative elements, that she fragments and reproduces in a kaleidoscope-like manner, which replicate the natural rhythms of life.

Since the beginning of her career, Valerie Campos has strived to reconcile representations from different origins, in an attempt to transversalize the contents and principles that determine individual, community and social behaviors. Thus, universal symbols cohabit the length and breadth of her work, sometimes being more evident, and at other times almost subliminal presences, which fuse elements from the high Mesoamerican cultures, in particular the hieroglyphics of the Mayan and Mixtec codices, along with caricatures and their capacity for synthetic communication. Her most recent works are part of her non-figurative repertoire, which rely on the game of chance as a starting point. The corpus and the plastic vocabulary of Valerie Campos are polysemic by nature, and dynamic in their themes that arise from the continuous metamorphosis of the eroticism of the body, and the fusion of symbols and spaces created from the concurrence of depth and surface.

The forms and rhythms that emerge express evocations and memories of places always in movement. As a composer of symbolist adventures and topological deviations, Campos displays a surprising solvency in her drawing, a quality that elevates her to a higher level than others of her generation, especially considering her auto-didactical formation.

Luis Ignacio Sainz



